Young people come together as one and give awareness to the public on ethical fashion.
The Girls Group from Rushey Mead School was a group that was formed as an after school club and met up once a week. The group decided to do a project on ethical fashion, this project was run though an organisation called the Asian foundation of Philanthropy (AFP).
As a member of the group I had just joined to spend time with my friends but when we started the project I got more interested and learnt facts and true stories on what going on in the world. At the beginning of the project I didn’t know much about ethical fashion and that garment were treated so badly.
Just imagine, where some of your clothes come from the workers get treated horrifically, with no rights, no respect, no freedom of speech, just simply nothing. All the workers are under threat to physical and verbal valance. 80% of the 500 thousand garment workers are women and children. Our Girls Group showed a visual, intellectual and emotional side to how the garment workers were treated in comparison to fortunate factories. Examples of unfortunate factories are in India, Pakistan Bangladesh, China and many more countries.
You as a person and everyone around you should think about where your clothes come from and I know that our country is in a recession and the shops may have low cost products but just think, you wouldn’t want to be in a badly treated garment workers position and that is a fact. Consider where you shop and try to make some time to pressurise garment factory owners to raise the garment workers’ wages but do this responsibly and without violence. Don’t forget is not how you look it’s about where your clothes come from!
Article written by- Shalina Patel from The Girl's Group
Image Credit- Kajal Nisha Patel
Image Credit- Kajal Nisha Patel
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