Tuesday 9 February 2010

What the environment means to me!

The environment is what is all around us, what we breathe, see and hear. It also has an effect on how we feel. So our environment needs to be clean for us to be healthy, functioning and happy human beings. By clean I don’t just mean the things you can see and smell but how where you are makes you feel and how all these different environments come together to make one big planet. It’s important to see the bigger picture.

So what is changing about the environment? The much heard greenhouse gases are increasing, the freak weather patterns we are experiencing and the natural fuels we are using up.

If we didn’t have this gas, the temperature on Earth would be 33oC colder. We need this gas but not too much of it. In recent times greenhouse gases have increased through our lifestyles. Simple things like using plastic bags and driving to places like the library when you could have just walked. This has increased the temperature of Earth and is an indication to why the snow just won’t go away this winter.

So to keep our environment healthy enough for us to live and enjoy we need to be smarter in the way we develop. We need development that allows us to meet our needs but doesn’t stop future generations meeting theirs.

Image credit - Sangrea.net

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