Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Lets recycle those Metro newspapers!

When I get on the tube or the overland in the morning, its instinctive for me to reach for the free metro with its ever enticing headings (and let's face, the gossip page is particularly interesting... what IS Cheryl wearing in that pic??). Anyway, usually when I reach my destination, I do one of two things. I leave it in the tube so that someone else can read it, or I take it and put it in one of the recycling bins. But I do worry. Often I see people throwing it in normal bins that go to landfill (c'mon people how hard is it to put it in a recycling bin) or the worst offenders just throw it willy nilly.

So I am trying to find alternatives for the metro as let's face it, there's only one earth and she aint happy. So I was pleasantly surprised when I came across this site... How to make gift bags from newspapers.

How cool is that? Not only will you save money by not having to buy one of those over priced bags from stores, you would be being unique and helping mother nature! Check it out today!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! Thanks so much. I'm not a fan of present bags, but this is quite quirky and can be recycled. Will definitely be having a go at making one of these...in fact I have a metro paper with me today, think I'll take it home instead of leaving it on the train for the next person.
