Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Green is the new Black

Here is a video I came across the other day, it features BBC radio presenter Nihal who had some very shocking statistics about chemicals and pesticides, which made me think, how many of us know where we buy our clothes from?.

Is the t-shirt you’re wearing made from organic cotton? If it’s not then you might be wearing a t-shirt laced with 150 grams of pesticides and fertilisers. If those pesticides and fertilisers get through to your skin then you stand a very high chance of dying! Who knew non-organic clothes could cause you so much damage?.

But it’s not just you being harmed. The video was shocking in that they said every year 20,000 people in the developing world were dying from being exposed to those toxics.

Watch this and tell me if you, like me, feel the price we pay is unfair based on what it means for the world.

Image Credit- Cividep India

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