Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Football...going ethical?

Maybe some of us can't tell our Rooneys from our Fabregas (no seriously, there are people who could not tell them apart or which teams they play for) but perhaps what is more important is what they play their games in! The Ecologist, one of my favourite online eco magazines, is always full of very useful tips on how to green our wardrobes, our furniture, our make up, our gadgets... the list goes on! But this article on 'What to wear and how to buy it' really scores a goal on where to go for more ethical fashion sportswear brands.. MOVE OVER BIG BRAND NAMES!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link to an intriguting article! Ethletic ball sounds really cool in caring for the health of the planet, the consumers and not the least the workers. that's a model to follow!
