Tuesday, 28 September 2010


I’ve just found the perfect way to kill some time. If you ever wondered what it would be like to “work in a factory, trying to make ends meet and provide for your children” then this is the place to do it.

Labour behind the Label has created a game that puts you in the place of a garment worker. You have to stitch as many caps as you can and you get paid accordingly. But beware! It’s not as simple as it sounds! As you get into the game you end up giving more money out for food and drink and end up not making that much. When you start feeling frustrated, remember...This is a classic scenario many workers are faced with. The wages they are on are not sufficient enough for them to pay rent, food and living costs.

This is a great game as it really makes you understand how much pressure there is on workers to deliver on numbers and meet targets that us the consumers are demanding.

Tip: read our article on Trade unions before you play the game. Good luck!

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